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페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘 카카오톡 아이콘

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페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘

Operational Goals

SAC Operational Goals : Purpose of establishment (Article 39 of the Culture and Arts Promotion Act) : The Seoul Arts Center is established to promote culture and arts, to develop and expand opportunities for people to enjoy cultural experiences, and to foster projects that promote culture and arts.
Mission : To use art to raise Korea’s value 
Vision : A space for everyone to enjoy world-class performances and exhibitions
Core values : artistry  +  diversity and publicness  +  customer satisfaction
Management goals ①To strengthen and revitalize arts expertise ② To expand opportunities for all people to enjoy culture ③To improve customer satisfaction through enhanced customer service