
Les Musiciens du Louvre & Marc Minkowski AMADEUS 2024 : Mozart Gala & Jupiter - Genius, The Last Symphony

아마데우스 2024 : 모차르트 갈라 & 주피터 - 천재, 최후의 교향곡 Past Event


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Les Musiciens du Louvre & Marc MINKOWSKI


MOZART SERIES Mozart series

Symphony symphony

Concerto Concerto

Opera Opera

Musicians from the world-famous French Orchestra Louvre

Mozart from the Baroque period to the classical period,

A perfect re-enactment of the Romantic era and Wagner operas.

A broad spectrum of repertoire

Rediscovering authentic music in the style of the time with period instruments

Musicians of the Louvre, the pride of France that has maintained its top position for over 40 years

Conductor Mark Minkowski is showing monumental performance at opera houses and festivals around the world.

Amadeus 2024

You will encounter the best essence of Mozart's music.

Mozart Gala & Jupiter - Genius, Last Symphony - Les Musiciens du Louvre & Marc Minkowski


A highlight performance program of Mozart's representative Da Ponte libretto, the popular operas Cosi fan tutte and The Marriage of Figaro, as well as the operas King Tito's Mercy and Singspiel works, as well as concert arias that show the highest perfection of Mozart's vocal music, performing the best Mozart of our time. The performances of Louvre musicians show the encounter of world-class singers. Through the final symphony 'Jupiter', which can be said to be the highlight of this Korean tour, we hope to re-enact Mozart's performance and convey the message that Mozart wants to convey to us through his best works.

- Mozart Opera Gala Opera Gala: Theater Manager, Zaide, The Mercy of King Tito, Cosi Fan Tutte, The Marriage of Figaro

Der Schausfieldirektor theater manager

- Ouverture Overture - Da schlägt die Abschiedsstunde The time to say goodbye has already come

La Clemenza di Tito The Mercy of King Tito - Del più sublime soglio On the most sublime throne

Cosi fan tutte - Fra gli amplessi held in his chest

Le Nozze di Figaro The Marriage of Figaro - Non piu andrai Can't Fly Anymore

Zaide - Ruhe sanft mein holdes Leben -O selige Wonne! O blessed happiness!

- Mozart Concert Aria Mozart Concert Aria

"A te, fra tanti affanni" Aria for Tenor - Davidde Penitente, K.469

“You who are in pain” Tenor Aria – David’s Repentance, K469

“Per questa bella mano” Concert Aria for Bass, K. 612

“In These Beautiful Hands” Bass Concert Aria, K. 612

- Symphony N. 41 “Jupiter” Symphony No. 41 “Jupiter”

Les Musiciens du Louvre

Conductor Marc MINKOWSKI

Soprano Caroline JESTAEDT

Tenor Sungmin SONG

Bass Kyungil KO

  Conductor Marc Minkowski

French conductor March Minkowski is the Artistic Director of Les Musiciens du Louvre and the Ré Majeure Festival, was the General Manager of Opéra national de Bordeaux from 2016 to 2021, the Artistic Director programmed of the Mozartwoche from 2013 to 2017, and was the principal guest conductor for the Kanazawa Ensemble Orchestra in Japan.

Marc Minkowski embarked on orchestral conducting at a very young age and, at the age of 19, when he founded Les Musiciens du Louvre, an ensemble specializing in Baroque music. With Les Musiciens du Louvre, he explored and expanded French repertoire and Handel before delving into Mozart, Rossini, Offenbach, and Wagner.

He is regularly performs in Paris, in productions such as Platée, Idomeneo, The Magic Flute, Ariodante, Giulio Cesare, Iphigénie en Tauride, Mireille, Alceste (Opéra national de Paris); Sémélé, The Marriage of Figaro, Messiah, La Périchole (Théâtre des Champs Élysées); La Belle Hélène, La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein, Carmen, Les Fées (Théâtre du Châtelet); La Dame blanche, Pelléas et Mélisande, La Chauve-Souris, Mârouf by Rabaud, Cendrillon, and Manon by Massenet (Opéra Comique). At the Opéra national de Bordeaux, he has conducted Pelléas et Mélisande, Mârouf, La Vie Parisienne, The Barber of Seville, Manon, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, and Robert le diable by Meyerbeer.

His busy calendar includes performances throughout Europe, including Aix-en-Provence (The Coronation of Poppea, The Marriage of Figaro, The Abduction from the Seraglio, Idomeneo, Don Giovanni, and Il Turco in Italia), Brussels (La Cenerentola, Don Quichotte, Les Huguenots, Le Trouvère), Geneva (Les Huguenots, La Juive), Zurich (Il Trionfo del Tempo, Giulio Cesare, Agrippina, Les Boréades, Fidelio, La Favorite), Venice (Le Domino noir), Teatro alla Scala in Milan (Lucio Silla, L'Enfant et les Sortilèges, and L'Heure espagnole), Liceu de Barcelona (Manon), Valencia (Les Contes d’Hoffmann), Berlin (Robert le Diable, Il Trionfo del Tempo, Mitridate), Salzburg (The Abduction from the Seraglio, Mitridate, Così fan tutte, Lucio Silla), Vienna (Hamlet and Der Fliegende Holländer at the Theater an der Wien, Armide and Alcina at the Staatsoper), Amsterdam (Gounod's Roméo et Juliette, Iphigénie en Aulide and Iphigénie en Tauride, Gounod's Faust), London (Idomeneo, La Traviata, and Don Giovanni at Covent Garden), San Francisco (Don Giovanni), and Moscow (Pelléas et Mélisande). In January 2023, he conducted the Mozart / Da Ponte Trilogy at the Opéra Royal de Versailles in Ivan Alexandre's production, the culmination of a project that began at the Drottningholm Festival in Sweden in 2015, and was also performed at Liceu de Barcelona and the Opéra national de Bordeaux.

In recent years, he has collaborated with various stage directors in the opera world, including Sir Richard Eyre, Klaus Michael Grüber, Vincent Huguet, Laurent Pelly, Olivier Py, Dmitri Tcherniakov, and Krzysztof Warlikowski. As part of the Mozartwoche in Salzburg, he programmed innovative productions, including special presentations of Mozart's sacred repertoire (Davide Penitente and Requiem, presented in an equestrian version in collaboration with Barbabas) and Handel (Messiah, directed by Bob Wilson, later performed at the Grand Théâtre de Genève and Théâtre des Champs-Élysées).

He has also been invited to conduct some of the most renowned American orchestras, including the Cleveland Orchestra and the Los Angeles Philharmonic, as well as Japanese orchestras like the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra and the Kanazawa Orchestra Ensemble. He has also led performances with Russian orchestras like the Mariinsky Orchestra and the National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Russia, as well as various European orchestras, including the BBC Symphony Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Mozarteum Orchestra of Salzburg, Berlin Philharmonic, Berlin State Opera Orchestra, German Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Dresden State Orchestra, Bamberg Symphony, Saarland State Orchestra, SWR Symphony Orchestra, Basel Chamber Orchestra, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Orchestra, National Orchestra of Spain, Prague Philharmonia, Swedish Radio Orchestra, and Finnish Radio Orchestra. Not to mention, he has also worked with the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, the National Orchestra of the Capitole, and the Orchestra of the Centre-Val de Loire Tours.

During the 2023/24 season, Marc Minkowski returns to the Grand Théâtre de Genève for a new production of Don Carlos and conducts a semi-staged version of Orphée aux Enfers at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. He returns to the Staatsoper Berlin for three Mozart productions: The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Mitridate with Les Musiciens du Louvre, whom he works with throughout the season performing works by Handel (Alcina at La Scala in Milan, La Resurrezione on a European tour). He also conducts Johann Strauss’s Die Fledermaus at the Teatro Real in Madrid and at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris. On the concert stage, he will lead the Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmonic, the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, the Staatsorchester Braunschweig, the Dresdner Festspielorchester, and the Kanazawa Ensemble Orchestra.

Les Musiciens du Louvre


Founded in 1982 by Marc MINKOWSKI, Les Musiciens du Louvre revives the Baroque, Classical and Romantic repertoires on period instruments.  Over the past forty years, the orchestra has made a name by revisiting works by Handel, Purcell and Rameau, as well as Haydn and Mozart, and more recently Bach and Schubert. He is also renowned for his interpretation of nineteenth-century French music: Berlioz, Bizet, Massenet, Offenbach.

Following a rich anniversary season, whose highlights were a Handel-Gluck gala and the Mozart-Da Ponte Trilogy at the Versailles Royal Opera House, but also Offenbach's La Périchole in Paris and Mozart's Mitridate at the Berlin Staatsoper, the 2023/2024 season will see Les Musiciens du Louvre make their debut at Teatro alla Scala in Milan in a concert version of Handel's Alcina, with Magdalena KOZENA in the title role.  In the Italian oratorio repertoire (Handel's La Resurrezione, in Aix-en-Provence and Hamburg) and in Viennese operetta (Johan Strauss's La Chauve-Souris at the Teatro Real in Madrid and at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées), Marc MINKOWSKI will bring together exceptional vocal casts, giving a chance to young singers.  Under his baton, the orchestra will also present Handel's complete Concerti grossi op. 3 and an exceptional recital with Marina VIOTTI at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées.

After 3 successive albums devoted to Mozart, with his Mass in C minor (Pentatone, 2020), his 5 violin concertos with Christoph Koncz (Sony Classical, 2020) and his early opera Mitridate (Warner Classics, 2021), followed by a Rameau anthology with the baritone Florian SEMPEY (Château de Versailles Spectacles, 2022), the next album by Les Musiciens du Louvre will be released on the Pentatone label in February 2024 (Alcina by Handel).


Les Musiciens du Louvre receive support from French Ministry of Culture, from Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, and from corporate and individual sponsors. Deloitte France & Afrique francophone supports their 2023-2024 season.  

Soprano Caroline JESTAEDT

In 2016, she took part to the Songbook project, in collaboration with Arte and ORF (Austrian Broadcasting), and sang as a soloist at the Allegro Vivo Festival (Lower Austria). She won the second prize at the 3rd Hugo-Wolf International Song Contest in Sofia in 2013 and the Student Jury Prize at the Enschede International Duet Competition (Netherlands) in 2015.

In 2018, she won the fifth prize in “Voix Nouvelles” competition at the Paris Opéra Comique and plays the role of the Fairy in Pinocchio by Boesmans at the Opéra National de Bordeaux.

During the 2018-2019 season, she sang her first Marzelline (Fidelio) in Luxembourg, Euridice (Orfeo by Monteverdi and Berio) at the Cité de la Musique in Paris, and Najade (Ariadne auf Naxos) in Toulouse.

Next season, she sang Dalinda (Ariodante) under the baton of Marc Minkowski in Grenoble, Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Köln and Hamburg, and took also part in the Christmas concerts of the Bordeaux National Orchestra, conducted by Paul Daniel.

During the 2021-2022 season, she sang the role of Anna (La Dame blanche by Boieldieu) with La Co[opera]tive on tour in France (Compiègne, Tourcoing, Dunkerque, Rennes, Besançon, Saint-Céré…) as well as the Fire / the Princess / the Nightingale (L’Enfant et les Sortilèges) at the Opéra de Lille.

Recently, she sang the part of Love (Echo et Narcisse by Gluck) at the Opéra Royal de Versailles, as well as Barbarina (Le Nozze di Figaro) at the Capitole de Toulouse.


Her projects include Noémie (Cendrillon by Massenet) at the Limoges Opera, Ismene (Mitridate) at the Berlin Staatsoper, and Blondchen (Die Entführung aus dem Serail) in Clermont-Ferrand and Reims.



Tenor Sungmin SONG

He comes from a family of architects and engineers in South Korea. He also tended professionally in this direction, then studied computer engineering and was already working in this field, when a singing professor in the church became aware of him and recommended Sung min Song to have his voice trained. He didn't have to be told twice, gave up his apartment and job in South Korea and came to Germany to study. He studied at the Musikhochschule in Munich with Prof. Frieder Lang and Prof. Daniel Kotlinski and graduated from there. 

In the 2023/24 season He made his successful debut with Der fliegende Holländer (Erik) in Komische Oper Berlin and sung "Die lustige Witwe(Camille de Rosillon)" in Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden. the tenor recorded three Mozart masses on CD with the Cologne Chamber Orchestra. And he sang "Stabat Mater by Dvorak" with the Bochum Symphony Orchestra (incl. CD recording), "Magic Flute" in Korea National Opera, "La Traviata(Alfredo)" in Theater Osnabrück, Eugen Onegin(Lensky) The Rake's Progress(Tom) in Staatstheater Augsburg, "Verdi's Requiem" in Elbphilharmonie, Bremer Konzerthaus and Wunderino Arena Kiel, Opera Gala in Alte Oper Frankfurt and  "Beethovens Symphony No.9" with Sinfonieorchester Aachen, Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, Hofer Symphoniker, and in Isarphilharmonie mit Münchner Symphoniker 

 The season of 2023/24 will be followed by  "Beethoven Symphony.9" in National Forum of Music Wroclaw and "Verdis Requiem" in Oldenburgischen Staatstheater, "Operetta Gala" with Württembergische Philharmonie and "Les pêcheurs de perles(Nadir)" Concert Version Tour in Göttingen, Bordeaux and Pau in France, Concert Tour to Asia with "Les Musiciens du Louvre" with Dirigent "Marc Minkowski".


 2024/25 Saison he will Mendelssohn »Lobgesang« (Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra) , Bruckners Te Deum & Janacek, Glagolitische Mess (Hamburg Elbphilharmonie Orchester), Dvorak Stabat Mater with MDR Rundfunkorchester and Rundfunkchor im Gewandhaus (Dirigent : Dennis Russell Davies),

 Beethoven Symphonie.9 with WDR Rundfunkchor in Kölner Philharmonie and in Theater Aachen and Oskar Gottlieb Blarr "Die Jesus-Passion"with Hamburg Elbphilharmonie Orchester in St.Michael Hamburg sing.

 In the 2022/23 season he made his role debut in "Dvořák's Rusalka (Barrie Kosky Direction), (Prinz) " at the Komisch Oper Berlin and sang he "Gounod Faust(Faust)" in Aalto Theater Essen",  "Verdis Messa da Requiem" with Sinfonieorchester Basel, "Rossini Guillaume Tell" in Bühnen Bern Don Pasquale (Ernesto)", "Fledermaus(Alfred)" at the Saarländisches Staatstheater, "La Traviata(Alfredo)" at the Staatstheater Augsburg, "Turandot(Pong) in Theater Magdeburg, "La Traviata (Alfredo)" im Staatstheater Darmstadt. In the concert area he performed at the "Star & Rising Stars Festival" with the conductor "Vladimir Jurowski" in Munich, Puccini's "Messa di gloria" with the International Bachakademie/Stuttgart Philharmoniker(Incl. CD Recording), the "Stabat Mater by Dvorak"with the Elbphilharmonie Orchester in St.Michael Hamburg, and the "Carmina Burana" in Isarphilharmonie with Münchner Symphoniker" and  in Wiener Musikverein with Tonkünstler-Orchester with the Conductor Yutaka Sado..

In the 2021/22 season, Sung min Song was able to show the full range of his repertoire: At the Staatstheater Augsburg he performed "Gounod's Faust" , "Bach's Johnannes Passion (Evangelist)" in Warsaw and at the Musikverein Vienna, "Mendelssohn's 2nd Symphony Lobgesang" with the Gürzenich Orchestra Cologne and "Orff's Carmina Burana" at the Mecklenburg State Theater at the Schlossfestspiele in Schwerin. he interpreted the role of Brighella in Strauss' "Ariadne auf Naxos" at the Landestheater Salzburg and Saarländisches Staatstheater, "Verdi's Messa da Requiem" at the Theater Münster and St.Michaelis in Hamburg, and "Beethoven's 9th Symphony" with the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra on New Year's Eve 2021. The concert was televised in Germany and Singapore.


In 2019 he appeared at the Tyrolean Festival in Erl in a production of "Rossini's Guillaume Tell (Arnold)" conducted by Michael Güttler and sang "Puccini's Messa di Gloria" with the MDR Sinfonieorchester and MDR Rundfunkchor conducted by Domingo Hindoyan at the Leipzig Gewandhaus. In 2018, the tenor sang "Verdi's Messa da Requiem" at the Rheingau Music Festival as well as in the Herkulessaal of the Munich Residence under the baton of Kent Nagano. The performance of "Strauss Feuersnot " with the Munich Radio Orchestra conducted by Ulf Schirmer was released on CD by cpo.  In 2016, the Bavarian Radio Kissinger Summer Festival broadcasted "Rossini's  Stabat Mater" with the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alain Altinoglu. Sung min Song has been an ensemble member at the Saarländisches Staatstheater, he thrilled audiences and the press as Arnold in Rossini's "Guillaume Tell"; the opera production was recorded and broadcast by Arte Concert.


 The artist has received numerous awards at competitions such as the Richard Strauss Singing Competition, Anneliese Rothenberger Prize, Gasteig Music Prize, Kissinger Summer Luitpold Prize, 3rd prize  at the 33 ° Concorso Internazionale Valsesia Musica 2017, at the Hariclea Darclée Festival and the International Voice Competition second prize and Grand Prix and Prix Special ADAMI at the Vincenzo Bellini Concours International de Belcanto in Paris.

 Bass Kyungil KO


South Korean Kyungil Ko had his first European engagement at the Opera Massy from 2005-2008 And then he moved on to Opéra Theátre de Besancon. From 2008-10 he was part of the Junges Ensemble at Hamburger Staatsoper. He was reinvited to sing with the ensemble after 2010, where he also guested Osnabrück and Theater Dessau where he was a regular guest in the period 2011-13. In the period 2013-2017 he has performed repeatedly at the opera houses in Hamburg, Darmstadt, Wiesbaden, Theater Osnabrück and Theater Dessau.


In addition, he has had numerous engagements in France, including the Opera en plein Air in Paris. From 2017 he is member of the soloist ensemble at the Royal Opera Copenhagen, where he has performed Monterone RIGOLETTO and Ashby FANCIULLA DEL WEST a.o. in his first season. Season 2018-2019 Ferrando IL TROVATORE and Colline LA BOHEME. Season 2019-2020 König Marke TRISTAN UND ISOLDE. Season 2021-2022 Leporello DON GIOVANNI and Mephistopheles FAUST.

Season 2022-2023 Ramfils AIDA, Hobson Peter Grimes. 2023-2024 König Marke TRISTAN UND ISOLDE, Ramphis AIDA, Gremin EUGENE ONEGIN..

In 2022, the Seoul Arts Center Program broadcasted "Mozart's Requiem" with Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Osmo Vänskä.


Kyungil Ko has performed a wide range of roles on stage including: Zarastro DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE, Don Bartolo LE NOZZE DI FIGARO, Don Alfonso COSI FAN TUTTE, Don Basilio IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, Dulcamara L'ELISIR D'AMORE, Colline LA BOHEME, Angelotti TOSCA, Zuniga CARMEN, Kilian DER FREISCHÜTZ.


He has performed with conductors like Simone Young, Donimique Trottein, Lawrence Foster and Tugan Sokhiev. Kyungil Ko has won prices in several important competitions; 1. Prize in Concours de International de Marmende, France, 1. Prize in Korean Broadcasting System (KBS).


He was finalist in the Montserrat Caballe International Competition twice and and reached the same result in the VERDI Competition, Bussetto, Itlay. Finally he came second in both the Concours international de L'opera Marseille and Concours international de Vivonne, France.


Kyungil Ko received his first musical education in Korea. He continued his studies in Marseille and participated in master classes with Mady Mesplé, Christa Ludwig, Kurt Moll and Michael Schade. He has studied with Tom Krause, Harald Stamm and Yvonne Minton.


* student discount: required to provide proof of identity and age when picking up tickets.

Payment of the difference in price at the spot when not submitted.

- 30% discount for SAC Patrons, SAC Gold

- 20% for SAC Blue, Green

- 40% discount for SACteens

- 40% discount for Noble members

Total seats 2,505

  • General seats2,481
  • Wheelchair seats24

Concert Halla concert hall built as the first concert hall in Korea.

The Concert Hall is the first of its kind built exclusively for concerts in Korea. The horseshoe shaped hall with 2,505 seats and three stories is acclaimed for its ideal acoustics by numerous artists who have a performance here.
Remodeled and renovated in 2005,Concert Hall demonstrates its superb sound in every concert.

Seating Charts

By clicking the seats circled in red in the seating chart,

you can see an actual view of the stage from your chosen seat.

seat chart (floor 1) of the Concert Hall1층A블록4열2번 1층A블록3열8번 1층A블록10열2번 1층A블록10열10번 1층A블록15열2번 1층A블록15열11번 1층A블록18열2번 1층A블록18열9번 1층A블록21열2번 1층A블록21열6번 1층B블록4열3번 1층B블록4열8번 1층B블록10열3번 1층B블록10열9번 1층B블록14열3번 1층B블록14열10번 1층B블록18열3번 1층B블록18열11번 1층B블록21열3번 1층B블록21열12번 1층C블록4열1번 1층C블록4열6번 1층C블록4열12번 1층C블록10열1번 1층C블록10열7번 1층C블록10열13번 1층C블록14열1번 1층C블록14열8번 1층C블록14열14번 1층C블록18열1번 1층C블록18열8번 1층C블록18열15번 1층C블록21열1번 1층C블록21열8번 1층C블록21열15번 1층D블록4열3번 1층D블록4열8번 1층D블록10열3번 1층D블록10열9번 1층D블록14열3번 1층D블록14열10번 1층D블록18열3번 1층D블록18열11번 1층D블록21열3번 1층D블록21열12번 1층E블록4열3번 1층E블록4열9번 1층E블록10열2번 1층E블록10열10번 1층E블록15열2번 1층E블록15열11번 1층E블록18열2번 1층E블록18열9번 1층E블록21열2번 1층E블록21열6번 합창석H블록1열2번 합창석H블록1열15번 합창석H블록2열2번 합창석H블록2열11번 합창석H블록2열19번 합창석H블록3열2번 합창석H블록3열23번 합창석H블록4열2번 합창석H블록4열11번 합창석G블록2열3번 합창석G블록2열10번 합창석G블록2열32번 합창석G블록2열29번 합창석G블록4열3번 합창석G블록4열12번 합창석G블록4열18번 합창석G블록4열27번 합창석G블록4열35번 합창석F블록1열2번 합창석F블록1열15번 합창석F블록2열2번 합창석F블록2열11번 합창석F블록3열2번 합창석F블록3열23번 합창석F블록4열2번 합창석F블록4열12번
  • 1F 1,508 seats

    • General seats1,226
    • Wheelchair seats8
    • Choir seats274
seat chart (floor 2,3) of the Concert Hall2층A블록2열2번 2층A블록2열17번 2층A블록4열2번 2층A블록4열10번 2층A블록4열18번 2층A블록6열2번 2층A블록6열18번 2층B블록2열2번 2층B블록2열9번 2층B블록4열2번 2층B블록4열10번 2층B블록6열2번 2층B블록6열12번 2층C블록2열3번 2층C블록2열9번 2층C블록4열3번 2층C블록4열10번 2층C블록6열3번 2층C블록6열10번 2층D블록2열2번 2층D블록2열9번 2층D블록4열2번 2층D블록4열10번 2층D블록6열2번 2층D블록6열12번 2층E블록2열2번 2층E블록2열17번 2층E블록4열2번 2층E블록4열10번 2층E블록4열18번 2층E블록6열2번 2층E블록6열18번 2층 BOX1 3번 2층 BOX2 6번 2층 BOX3 6번 2층 BOX4 5번 2층 BOX5 5번 2층 BOX6 4번 3층A블록2열3번 3층A블록4열4번 3층A블록4열13번 3층A블록6열2번 3층A블록6열8번 3층B블록4열4번 3층B블록6열4번 3층C블록4열2번 3층C블록4열9번 3층C블록6열2번 3층C블록6열11번 3층D블록5열2번 3층D블록5열11번 3층D블록7열2번 3층D블록7열12번 3층E블록4열2번 3층E블록4열9번 3층E블록6열2번 3층E블록6열11번 3층F블록4열2번 3층F블록4열6번 3층F블록6열2번 3층F블록6열7번 3층G블록2열3번 3층G블록4열2번 3층G블록4열11번 3층G블록6열2번 3층G블록6열8번 3층M블록1열8번 3층N블록1열8번 3층 BOX7 5번 3층 BOX8 5번 3층 BOX9 8번 3층 BOX10 8번 3층 BOX11 5번 3층 BOX12 5번
  • 2F 568 seats

    • General seats552
    • Wheelchair seats16
  • 3F 433 seats

    • General seats 429
Note for Ticket Purchases, Refunds and Exchanges

All performances, except for children-specific ones, are suitable for elementary school students and older. If proof of age cannot be provided, entry will not be permitted regardless of ticket possession or accompaniment by a guardian. (Excluding performances aimed at children.)

We encourage travel by public transport because you may not be able to enter the venue before the performance start time due to parking lot congestion.
(ticket exchange or refund is not available for delays in entering the venue caused by parking lot congestion)

The maximum number of tickets allowed to be purchased per online order (pc, mobile) is 10. If you would like to purchase more than 10 tickets for a group, please call the Service Plaza (1668-1352)

Lost tickets are non-refundable or non-exchangeable as tickets are value instrument papers

We are not responsible for the tickets by individual transactions other than purchase through specified ticketing system or Service Plaza

Cancellation Fees
Cancellation Fees
Classification Cancellation fee Note
10 days before the event No charge  
9 days to 1 day before the event 10% of paid amount In case of tickets purchased up to 3 days before the performance, there will be no cancellation fee if cancelled on the day of the purchase
(call: ~20:00 /
visit Service Plaza: ~20:00(Tue~Sun), ~18:00(Mon) /
homepage or mobile: ~23:59)
On the day of the event Seoul Arts Center’s planned event 90% of paid amount 2 hours before the event starts
(Non refundable at Box Office)
Rental event Non refundable 1 day before the event

※ Cancellation Fees for Exhibition Tickets:
- Tickets with Time Slots: Cancellation fees apply according to the same standards as for rental performances at the Seoul Arts Center
- General Exhibition Tickets: There is no cancellation fee until 7 days after ticket purchase, and a 10% cancellation fee is charged from the 8th day onwards.
Payment methods
  • Credit card (or check card)

    Payable up to the event day

    • * Homepage(PC/Mobile)
    • * Box Office
    • * Service Plaza (Information & Tickets)
  • Virtual account

    Payable up to 5 days before the event day

    • * Homepage(PC/Mobile)

Refund by payment methods ※ A refund is only possible with the same payment method as used in booking

  • Credit card (or check card)

    Approval cancellation by credit card company

    • * Within 4 to 5 days from the requested date
    • * Under the rules of refund by relevant credit card company
    • * Cancellation fee will be charged to customer’s credit card
  • Virtual account

    Refund to the account in the name which the reservation is made in

    • * Within 2 working days from the requested date
    • * Refund after deducting cancellation fee
Ticket Cancellation Information
  • Booking online

    To cancel a reservation, a customer can check the reservation details in My Page on the website or through Service Plaza (1668-1352)

  • Phone booking

    To cancel a reservation, a customer can check the reservation details in My Page on the website or through Service Plaza (1668-1352).

  • If a customer received booked tickets through visiting Service Plaza or mail delivery.

    A customer must return tickets to Service Plaza until one (1) day before event day to get a refund. (Service Plaza Operating Times : Mon 09:00~18:00 / Tue~Sun- 09:00~20:00)

  • ※ Partial Cancellation

    • Partial Cancellation is allowed EXCEPT FOR the tickets paid by gift card, and special offer like ‘buy one get one free’ ticket. For more information and inquiry, please call Service Plaza (1668-1352)
How to receive a ticket
  • Box Office
    • * Ticket pickup at venue on the event day
    • * It operates one and a half hours prior to the start of a performance through its intermission
    • * Without a break, it operates until 30 minutes after the start of the performance
  • Service Plaza
    • * Located in the Vitamin Station
    • * Operating Times : Mon 09:00~18:00/Tue-Sun 09:00~20:00 (All the year around)
    • * Inquiry: 1668-1352
    • * Not for tickets booked through other ticket agency’s sales channel
  • Ticket Delivery
    • * Mail delivery request: available only for a ticket booked no later than 2 weeks (14 days) before event day
    • * Delivery charge: prepayment KRW 3,200 per delivery
    • * Time it takes a ticket to arrive: within 5 working days from mail delivery request
  • Note for receiving a ticket
    • Customers who have benefited from discounts (e.g. discount coupons and membership discounts, special discounts for the disabled, national merits, SAC Teens, noble members, students, seniors and last-minute tickets) must be able to present proof of eligibility when collecting discounted tickets. If a customer fails to present such certification, he or she must pay for the full ticket price to enter the venue.
    • The Box Office is very crowded when an event is about to begin. We strongly recommend collecting your ticket at least 30 minutes before the performance starts.

Review write close

Review write
Writer 비회원손님 2024.10.27(Sun)
Title work AMADEUS 2024 : Mozart Gala & Jupiter - Genius, The Last Symphony
Rating *
  • Work satisfactionArtistic quality, shouts of joy,
    stage, performers, etc.

  • Satisfaction with viewing costPrice, discount, etc.

  • Website information
    Website promotion,
    work introduction, etc.

  • Service satisfactionTicket purchase, auditorium entry,
    performance environment, etc.


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(The viewing reviews that have been made public will be posted in the detailed information of the work and in ‘PLAY + Zine>Viewing Reviews’.)