2024 Programs presented by SAC

홈으로 홈으로


페이스북 아이콘 트위터 아이콘 블로그 아이콘

  • Matinee Series

    2nd Thursday of Every Month 11:00 | Concert Hall
    SAC 11 AM Concert

  • Contemporary Music Series

    7.4(Thu) 21:00 | Recital Hall
    Night Concert I

  • Exhibition

    5.22(Wed)~9.19(Thu) | Hangaram Art Museum (Gallery 1~2)
    Edvard Munch

* The above event names and schedules are subject to change.


Call Center 82-1668-1352 (Mon:09:00~18:00/TUE-SUN:09:00~20:00 (all the year round))

Address (06757) Seoul Arts Center, Nambusunhwanro 2406, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

copyrightⓒ2023 Seoul Arts Center. All rights reserved.